Cherry Blossoms Strawberry Soda

Product Description

Materials for 500cc

  1. Cherry Blossoms Syrup 35ml
  2. Strawberry Syrup 25ml
  3. Sparkling Water 350ml
  4. Ice Cubes
  5. Cherry Blossoms Petals a few
  6. Fresh Strawberry pulp a few


  1. Pour Cherry Blossoms Syrup into the cup.
  2. Mix Strawberry Syrup and 50ml sparkling water together then pour inside.
  3. Add ice cubes and 300ml sparkling water in the cup.
  4. Add some Cherry Blossoms Petals and strawberry pulp in the drink.
Product Introduction
proimages/recipe/popular-drink/detail/44  Cherry Blossoms Strawberry Soda.jpg

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